The power to talk to animals but only as they are attacking you

the power to make realy convincing whale noises

The power to get hard at will.

The power to make a pint a gallon

The power to have a invisible boat mobile

the power to persuade every 80 yo into penetrating you analy

The power to stop time whenever you get stabbed in the liver

The ppwer to say SHAZAM, Then someone says wat?

Having Wolverine’s ability to healing from any damage, but still healing at a normal human rate of recovery.

The power to stand up and do what's right, save people, restore order, preserve life, maintain balance and create peace but the lack of motivation to do so.

The power to induce vomiting after a crazy junk food spree.

The ability to give yourself brain cancer at will

The power to shit yourself on a really hot day with no change of underwear

The ability when standing still you hover 1milimeter

The power to make a rather pointless comeback here... Moral: See what I mean? ;),

The ability to give yourself a stroke just using your mind.

The power to tolerate the excistance of Richard Davison

The power to predict the present

the power to be a snail when ever you think a bout snails but you CANT transform back

The power to breathe oxygen.

The power to have super-sweaty hands

Invisibility when people aren't looking.

The power to blink one second faster then usual.

The power to see through things but you can't turn it off once turned on.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!