The power to make the dead that where once deaf see again.

the power to turn wine into water

The power to read any captcha, but no longer be able to type.

The power of being immune to bee stings when no bees are near you

The power to breath fire but only when covered in gasoline/petrolium

the power to shoot rocket out of your hands,but it only come to you

the power uncontrollably explode expensive cars

The power to shape shift into water

The power to be able 2 pee every 2 hours

The power to lose your hearing and eyesight/

THE SUPER FRIENDS HEROES LEAGUE OF SUPER HEROES OF LESSER USEFUL HEROES! KNIGHT FARTSALOT!: Fear my methane! You and me in one small room for 3 days and you will faint for sure! Uncle Diabeetush: Save their parents Captain! Ill take care of their children! Captain Novolin: I have great sugar level control! Help me! Evil Mistress Sugarpie is too sweet! Runald MagnifiCient Donalds: HAMBARGAR HAMBARGAR HAMBARGAR WOOOOO! I keep American people from starvation! Remember kids less than 250 pounds counts as starvation! And their LEADER... MORAL MAN!: The hell am I introducing myself here for? Damn you Subconscious! How can you expect people to understand my genius of putting myself here! They are morons! Oh... hi everybody.. wazzup?

The power to tickle your own feet.

Read fortune cookies without opening them

The ability to reach the end of the rainbow!

The power to stay a virgin

The power to turn oxygen into carbon dioxide.

the power to sugar a limpet

The power to see through glass. Oh wait.

The power to be able to teleport through a random fat man's colon.

The power to teleport through open doors.

The power o know why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch

The power to suck your own dick, by growing and shrinking your p3nis.

The power to grow one inch, but you need to shrink one inch to do so.

the power to think like a sumo wrestler between 2:30 and 3:30 am on thursdays

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!