The ability to predict the future .000001 seconds in advance.

the power to have diarrhea at any time

The ability to pass gas and have it smell like coffee from Starbucks.

The power to grow giant, sharp and needly painful dildoes out of any surface just by sitting on it.

the ability to post here

the ability to have children fully grown

The power not to dance while you're in a coma.

The power to divide by zero, but not remember how when someone asks you.

the power to travel through time... at the speed of normal time.

the power to travel to parallel universes where the power to travel to parallel universes doesnt exist

The power to shoot dix out of ure mouth.

The power to chew on chicken heads without breaking your teeth.

The power to- Hey, I'm really happy fo' you, but the Power Rangers are the greatest heroes of all time!

The power to communicate with inter-dimensional beings, but they're reeeeally annoying.

The power to throw a Boomerang and it always hit your head.

The power to eat anything in a minute.

the power to text joane without her going mad 07856943463

The power to climb trees really fast, but they shrink when you do.

The power to change your mind

the power to get any man i want (thats my website)

The power to display emotions at will

The power to have sex with anyone you want in the world, but only after you die.

The power to transform any food into shit simply by eating it.

The power to sleep and never be disturbed.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!