the power to.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................waste your time

The power to pull your heart out from your chest.

Eat pizza but you have to be eating pizza

Immunity to antipsychotic medication

The power of sensing someone's sneeze before it happens

The power to put out light from your butt

the power to turn on anything by saying every digit of pi near it.

the power to die....

The Abiltity to poop and pee in your mouth and chest......

The ability to find a squirrels nuts

the ability to levitate your keft side of your body

the power to be phone

The power to travel through time to get through school but then fail at life.

The power to be invincible to every thing but fire water tornadoes bullets explosions guns knifed blades swords grenades sticks pointy objects disease infections sicknesses flu illness natural disasters accidents cars busses planes vehicles trucks lightning electricity meteors bombs rockets drugs addiction peer pressure starvation tiredness torture pain monkeys any sort of animal heat radio active waves radiation humans air pollution baseball bats food poisoning and insects.

The ability to type without having to use the shift key.

The power to make mediocre cabbage soup.

The power to have broads in Atlanta.

The power to turn the tv off from 0.00000000001 inches away, with your mind, but it takes half an hour to actually turn off. This superpower runs out whenever you come within a mile of a tv.

mime-o-moid. The power to pretend to be stuck in a box, walk a dog and climb a rope.

The power to be AMAZING in bed, but only when you're having sex with a midget over the age of 40.

The power of flight, but also have vertigo. VertigoMan to the resc Aggh!!!! Please someone get me down. OH GOD!!!! HELP!!!!

The power of bullet attraction.

The power to become CHUCK NORRIS! (if you are a teen) Which by activation you realize he is just a mediocre actor... and worst... over 70 years of age...

to run super fast but every minute you have to pee

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!