The power to continuously shoot extremely powerful lasers from your eyes unless they're closed or you wear special, unbelievably expensive glasses.

the power to actually make clowns funny...

The power to only like foods that are at least two different colors, but only on Thursdays. All the other days are whatever you wanna eat :D

The power to swallow chewed up food.

The power to instantly determine when someone is a dumbass.

the power to listen to music when you have headphones

the power to absorb other superpower, but no one have superpower

the power to have a baby,but have to give it away after three days. WARNING:MAY cause death,exploding,and blindness.

The power to blink a nano second slower

I have the superpower that lets me erase the memories of amnesiacs! Beware! Beware!

The power to kill yourself to take out a criminal... except for the fact that when you kill yourself you literally might as well be throwing a marshmallow at someone.

The power to triple-click in the time it takes a regular human to double-click.

The power to tell time every other second. sometimes.

The power to do NOTHING!

The power to know everything in the universe but you are mute.

The power to sing Friday by Rebecca Black perfectly when it's thursday.

The power to do EXACTLY nothing

The power to paint as if you were michelangelo but only if your painting sad clowns eating knives

to have a face with the power to attract fists

The power to forget why you got hurt when you get hurt.

The ability to die whenever you think of death.

The power to uncontrollably poop, pee, barf, & sneeze at the same time, indefinitely (can't pause power once started).

The power to melt into a pile of sentient goo, but be unable to move or change back.

The Power to fly for 13.56 Seconds on a Sunday afternoon after looking at a penny and spinning for 46 and a half times.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!