the ability to die on command

The Power To Poop on Command.

the power to breathe in space but have to be were there is gravity

The power to write complete sentenc

The power to eavesdrop on your best friend from anywhere in the world when he's sleeping.

The power to run as fast as a cheetah! Moral: A dead cheetah...

The power to drink and drive without being caught

The Power to Power

power to poo perfectly priced people

the ability to only do pointless things.

The power to say WACKY WAVING INFLATABLE ARM FLAILING TUBE MAN - but only at peoples funerals or when taking a piss (but you uncontrolably flail your arms).

the power to sing like a pro but only when in a bathroom or when autotune is involved...

The power to eat sandwiches and never get full

The ability to know if a movie's crappy just by looking at its cover !

Th power to be telepathetic

the power to change people socks on command

the power to make double rainbows in the sky, but after that, it turns in a double hurricane.

The power to make people work and read ????

The power to shut me the F UCK UP! Moral: Ironically I have not said a single word for hours... so that would be impossible... Now, if you hear MY voice when you read this, then you are either psychic or psychotic, which is not that different if you ask me... Now.. if you hear YOUR voice inside your head, then YOU SHUT THE FRUCK UP AND GET LOST! :D :D :D :D :D :D (A MoralMan Original, now this one was pretty cool)

The power to buy jerky on a semi-weekly basis.

The power to fart 5 times bigger

The power to kill yourself with a piece of paper.

the power to walk halfway through a wall

The power to create the best Internet memes; instant nullified by recognition or compensation.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!