The power to fall up.

The power to use expired coupons, this Power expired 3 years ago

The power to change the colour of your internal organs.

The power to vote for Donald trump as president

The power to become extremely good at licking pussy... cats.

The power to fart in colour

The power to nail anyone you want (legally) but no one remembers, including you

The power to fly to your In-Law's house and ONLY your In-Law's house.

The power to get a boner when you're horny.

The power to breath Oxygen

The ability to access any website you want but, you cant connection to the internet.

The power to become helpless at will.

The power to gain 10 pounds whenever you eat something

This can be essential to finish a perfect quality dissertation while scholars are studying at the university. Thus, your superior release related to this post will be a a really good issue for the thesis example creators.

THE POWER TO INSERT *X**A**S***S***E* TO YOUR MONITOR . Captcha; Kick your Heels

the power to emit free wifi which the signal strength varies by your erection.

the power of turn yourself into a mexican

My charms is my superpower, but damn I cant shut up after spending some quality time with the ladies! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! MY BODY WAS NOT READY! I feel like yelling out my real name, but you know, if you know me (I am easily recognizable) the girls I spend time with would feel like I am bragging about them, and I am not, I am simply celebrating my conquest, you see, you came, you saw... BUT I CONQUERED! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Moral: Feel free to thumb this down, my superpowers need to be contained, or else I will beep my way to an early grave! Girls, mwah... and you know, just dodge the kiss if you cant handle love personified, they arent homing nor anything... Should I ask my doctor if she has any medications that will help me wire down after uh... Multiple female company? HAHAHAHAAAAAAH!... The thought made me kinda sad, im better, now just to prove to my company here that I got balls of steel, I am gonna post this and let you judge me all you want! BECAUSE YOU CANT HAVE EM!

The power to give super powers to others, but only to people you don't like.

The power to have magnetic eyeballs.

The ability to

The power to go in jail every time you are alone.

the power of superspeed but only backwards

The power to instantaneously teleport in front of your mom each time you masturbate.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!