The power to outthink the smartest people ever conceived, but only remember what you though for an attasecond.

the power to pee for longer then a normal person

The power to chuck dead babies from a bridge

the power to not have powers when you need them most

The power to stop time, but be stopped with time also.

The power to stick your head up your ass

The power to eat 100kgs of ice cream and only get type 2 diabetes

the power to get a free game but can't play it.

the ability to drink coffee without burning your tongue.

The ability to fly, but only when sleeping...

the superpower to be able to fuck extremely good with or without genitals

The power to make a child in Africa die of starvation every time you sneeze

The power to slap your buttcheeks together, then transform into a head of cabbage.

The power to instantly reduce the sales price of an item to ten percent of the original but you must buy at least ten.

The power to defy gravity, but only for the fraction of a second.

The power to have gravity.

the power to fall asleep in your bed and wake up in a trash compacter

the power to shout and make people piss their pants

The Ability to remove your penis and grow a new one. the old penis will grow roots and become a penis tree. A lovely addition to any home.

The ability to draw an imperfect circle

the power to lift 5 tonnes above your head, but only for 0.1 seconds

The power to say or type random variables withou1 2.96 1 1 2 3 5 8 13t knowing.

the power to open doors that are unlocked

the power to make your nipples taste like shit and your shit taste like nipples

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!