The power to laugh at Tyler Perry's House of Payne

The power of inverted tastebuds (spicy food tastes sweet etc.)

the power to glow fainlty in broad daylight

The power to shrink to your own size.

The power to shrink your erection whenevery you want.

The power to get rid of only your own power

The power to die and come back to life every 10 minutes.

power to eat 500000 big macs in a day

The power to blink a nano second slower

The power to walk halfway through a wall.

The ability to talk like Robert DeNiro on helium

The power of christ ;)

Warm vision

To be immortal, but injuries do not heal and the pain is 100 times more intense

To tell how many kids in a sweatshop it took to make your nike's

The power to phase through walls whenever there is a door nearby leading to the next room

The power to kill yourself with your mind.

The power to become a fish for 10 hours on dry land

The power to turn into a toothpick. Once. And you can't go back.

The power to defty gravity, but only in space.


The power to find anything on google. EXCEPT PORN.

The power to fly but only if you standing on the ground

The power to write pointless superpowers

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!