The ability to be invisible whenever you take a slefie

Gas station quality laser pointer vision.

open up pickles glass

The power to get your comment 1st

The ability to to wrote something useless and waste all Saturday that you need to use to study for a test.

The power to help bitches stay alive! Bitches love staying alive!

The power to grow a beard really fast but only relative to the hair on your head

The power to fall asleep at will. But it's only active when you're asleep.

The power to swear if you do not believe in a God. Moral: Meh... if I post anything against God here you guys will thumb me down and that matters... it matters so much that I will use the section over to shit talk God... yeah... thumb me down already fearing zealots... show me your true power (being Gods bitches) now that is pointless power!

Having the power to stand still

The power to summon a lamp... Once.

The power to type so damn many superpowers that your head is spinning, and wanting to keep doing it because you really like this thing, its so... fulfilling... Moral: What can I say, people fight so much over who is right, and go to war just to prove their points... I LOVE POINTLESSITTY! (Pointlessitty, is not a typo, its a shakespearean slip you ignoramoron) Fun fact: A shakesperean is by itself a grammatically incorrect word, but not a typo simply because I used it on purpose... wow thats crazy... agree? Then thumb me DOWN NOW!

The ability to summon Cthulhu automatically when you reach the age of 23.5.

The power to Chang ur hair coler but only when ur bald

The power to write a country song

the power to have another pointless superpower

The power to hear everything in pig-Latin.

The power to levitate, but only after exactly 10 hours of sleep and you have to be wearing a tin foil bathing suit.

The power to become sexualy attracted to everyone but the person your talking with

The power to always smell like cheep wine.

(Only a girl power) the power to bleed every month for one day

The power to tolerate the excistance of Richard Davison

The power to make your penis able to go through any nown material in the universe even a dwarf star. However it is 1000x more sensitive to pain than normal. And once you start you can't stop until it's trough.

The ability to transform escalators into stairs.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!