The power to laugh at things, but only if it's funny.

The power to stop bleeding 3-5 days a month.

power to transform into a dick with legs

The ability to know how to drive a car but only when piloting light aircraft

The power to see through walls when standing near a person whose first name is flopalopgas.

The power to create a slight aroma of cucumbers

ODOYLE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The power to have to enter a survey for every internet download you use

The power to walk into a room and not forget what you where going to do.

The power to read the minds of chickens every other Tuesday.

the power to win the crying game

The power to rain fireballs down upon those you love.

The ability to breath in a complete vacuum, but not anywhere else

the power to eat as many brownies as you like without getting sick, but to be allergic to chocolate.

The power to answer trivia questions, but only being able to do so in a loud, aggressive voice.

A healing punch

The power to be the best video game player ever but you have squeakers follow you everywhere calling you a hacker and saying there going to report you

The power to never have fun...never.

The power of Pinesol baby

The power to know that Han Solo dies

the power to awesomely tap dance when you are angry.

The power to press the "I have read and agree with the terms on service -" button without actually reading them.

The power to only be able to eat poop

The power to induce vomiting after a crazy junk food spree.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!