Being able to say Sushi 10 times in a row fastly.

The power to give automatically give all your money to a Nigerian businessman for a special investment opportunity

The power to communicate with your own toenail clippings.

The power to tolerate the excistance of Richard Davison

The ability to fart like a zombie.

The power to turn into wood by rubbing salt on yourself

the power to live in lava, magma, fire, etc unless your body temp is over 120 degrees

The power to die at will.

The power to fly as long as your feet the ground

The power to read the minds of hobos. ( now you know what hobos think about you )

The power to make you`re penis really long! Like 500 meters long, and not being able to make it short(er) again.

The power to worsen your own eyesight at will.

The power to fall without screaming.

The power to yawn with your mouth closed

The power to be a walrus

The power to understand animals but only extinct animals

Ability to shape-shift into your twin brother.

The Power To Captilize The First Letter Of Each Word Without Thinking About It.

The power to predict the past.

The power to travel in time for 2 seconds

The power to punch anyone as hard as you want but get hit with the same force in your genitals

The power of turning your nose upside down, but only when it's raining... or in the shower.

The power to pee, REALLY LOUD.

The power to be meta, but nobody thinks it's cool any more.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!