Be virtually indestructible, but only to things your not paying attention too.

The power to act like Tommy Wiseau

The power to lick anything except pussy.

The power to blink one second faster then usual.

The power to date women if they say 'Yes' when you ask if they want to date.

The power to not see the troll dude in the Pointless Superpowers logo raping the words 'Pointless Superpowers'

The abillity to laugh hystericaly at theese superpowers, But only when On the toilet pooping.

The power to make yourself not have a super power

The ability to speak all languages ever recorded in history, but cannot speak without using at least 10 of them simultaneously.

The power to be always invisible, but can't interact with the objects or humans, only with animals.

The power to instantly see the end of a book or movie, but not the middle or beginning.

Power to walk through doors that are only unlocked.

The ability to fart like a zombie.

the power to detect when there is oxygen near you

the powre to spel

The super to type (to type partially invisible ences) Mor : !HTURT HELDNAH OUY

the ability to look into your brain

THE power to get stoned withouten using drugs, but only when your in class.

The power to tell if a movie is crap just by looking at its cover

the power to be famous but no one in the world knows you are

The power to turn Coke into Pepsi

The ability to smooth a criminal

The power to, receive THE POWER! What is this power you may ask... it is the power of TRUE POWER!

Be as cool as Julien Roby who go outside without is coat during winter

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!