The power to divide by zero, but not remember how when someone asks you.

The power to come up with the most funny joke ever made but forget the punch-line when ever you try to tell someone.

The power to produce fingernails at will that people can eat.

See through invisible people

Power to give birth through your penis.

The power to let 100 cockroaches crawl upon you for everytime you display emotion

The power to always get caught by the scooby doo gang

The power to live.

The power to Master Bait, endlessly without getting satisfaction. Moral: A little less conversation, a little more action please...

The power to grow new teeth.

The power to look at Sun.

The power to divide by 0

the power to do one push-up

The power to change your urine to any color

The power to create nothing out of nothing

The power to thumb down Moral Man's posts. NOTE: It is required that the user of this ability possess average to above-average intellect. Seriously, bury this dickbag's posts. He's an annoying twat.

The power to see through glass

The power to keep getting fat no matter how little you eat.

The power to regret things you did in the past

The power to own Greek, Italian and Irish stocks.

The power to have no powers.

Be virtually indestructible, but only to things your not paying attention too.

The power to cancel Honey Boo Boo tv series

The power to suck deez nuts

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!