The power to levitate 1 inch off the ground for 5 seconds at a time.

The ability to lose Russian rolette, once.

The ability to control dairy products

the power to hear whats going on in your ear

power to see through glass doors

the power to sneeze cum

The power to find hiding spots quicker... like anne frank and osama bin ladin

The power to resurrect, but only in an electric chair in Texas.

The power to feel lustful when watching My Little Pony Clopfic.

The power to write a moral under each comment. ( Just a thought: when did most of these become superpowers? I mean is women`s period become superpower? And becoming Justin Beiber? A superpower? I need to change my definition...)

The power to increase the amount of earwax by 300 percent at will.

The power to produce 5 times the normal amount of ball sweat.

The ability to know the current mood of your doppleganger.

The power of destroying anything that's inert with one punch, but dying afterwards.

The power to attract any women you like by ripping of your junk.

The power to urinate in mouth.

The power to see through pastry..

the superpower to be able to fuck extremely good with or without genitals

The power to walk on lava but you are not resistant to it

The power to turn into a tree.

The ability to breath in a complete vacuum but nowhere else

The power to believe that the only way is essex.

The power to manipulate thermometers but not actually affect the temperature.

The power to have any power you want but only when it's completely useless to have it.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!