The power to not hear thunder.

to be on fire always.(even when u are in water)

The power to shapeshift into a worm.

The power to be able to hold your farts while you pee.

The power to sneeze scissors

The power to feel pain when your drinking acid.

The ability to suddenly realize you have Cancer.

The ability to identify commonly known objects.

The power to fly when you are in a plane

The power to zoom in with your eyes, but only when looking to the sun.

power to fly, but only if your inside an airplane

the pwoer ot raed tihs wtirnig eilasy.

The power to at anytime cover yourself in flames and fly very fast by yelling FLAME ON! only to die a horrible death as you are not immune to your flames...

The ability to make someone slightly attracted to a faucet.

the power to give extreme diarrhea to only your grandmother and your house pet

The power to run at walk speeds.

the power to turn invisible when no one else is around.

You can fly, but only while on a plane that's in the air.

The power to be the best video game player ever but you have squeakers follow you everywhere calling you a hacker and saying there going to report you

The power to change the shape of any object at will

The power to piss your pants when ever a vowel is pronounced.

the power to remove the white seeds from a watermelon over the course of two months.

The power to lick your elbow if it is coated with butter at exactly 36 degrees Celsius.

to have the super power to do nothing

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!