The power of self-propelled flight, but only when you're the President of the United States.

the power to negate superpowers in a universe with no superpowers and no way to enter any universe with super powers

The power to be stupid

The power to pee quietly in public toilets.

The power to be white and have a the pingas a size of a black man. Moral: You cannot comprehend the power of the dark side.

The power to not see ads

the power to steal other peoples super powers but only if they dont have any

the power to turn people to stone but only if you look in the mirror

The power to fart anytime i want to.

The superpower to be able to blend in with trees when there are no trees in a 5 km radius

The power to travel 60 miles an hour while inside of a vehicle.

The power to travel a hour back in time by focusing really hard on it for two hours. Moral: Automorals roll out!

The uncontrollable power of making your sex partner sleep

the ability to shit active helicopters >o

The ability to be jokingly racist and not get sued by an hypocritically racist black man and end up having to carry out a minor jail sentence or pay a fine.

The power to enter into a Coalition with the Conservative Party

the power to always do your homework but never turn it in to the teacher.... RESULTS=failure

The power to only make burnt toast

The power to finish right before you start (If you know what I mean)

The power of bullet atraction

The power to read and agree to the terms of service.

Power to always have exact change.

the power to make to much coffee

The power to resurrect, but only in an electric chair in Texas.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!