The ability to change your weight

The power to become erect at the sight of a man's butthole, oh wait thats just liam flanagan

The power to impress a mentally disabled person by doing absolutely nothing

The power to moves in slow motion.

The power to accidently find all spoilers online before you watch a film or an episode of a series.

the power to read when you're not looking at any word or symbol

the power to travel 1-day into the future by waiting 24 hours

The power of being able to punch everything so hard that it explodes.........BUT you are not resistant to the explosions.

The power of finding an object that you thought it disappered in a black hole in your bedroom.

The power to turn in to a weak 1 year old

The ability to remember what you don't want to remember

The power to lose body parts by merely thinking about losing said parts coupled together with worry. I.e. I hope I don't lose my testicles.... Damn-it!!

The power to make any woman sleep with you. but works only on dead ones.

The power to become sick only to spread it to your enemy but you can't stop being sick until you have treatment.

The power to have superpowers from the beginning

The power to get laid by your right hand.

The power to be more human than most people.

Hat seduction. 'Nuff said.

To be small u could be step on because no one can hearu

The power to annoy people with saying the same meme to then(Examples: WHAT ARE THOOSE,21 etc.)...

the power to instantly make a time bomb explode the moment you touch it

The power to be a snail

The power to convert metric to imperial

The ability to eat your self up when out of food.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!