The ability to be invisible but only while playing the tambourine.

The power to turn water into wine.

The power to to type Pointless Super Powers

The power to have a super power,

The power to breath Oxygen

The power to expel a slight breeze after inhaling.

ikawlhan forever

The ability to get shot, for real.

The power of having a short attention sp-- Ooh shiny!

the power to relive the least important moments in history

the power to take ipecac without throwing up

The superpower to die in a 1 second.

The power to grow a money tree once every 5 years that grows 1 penny every 10 years.

the power to see through people's clothing when they're naked

The ability to to die whenever you want. RIP

make youself dumb

The Power to f*** her right in the p***y!!

The power to read the minds of sandwhiches.

The ability to see women naked, but only if they weigh 400 pounds or more.

The power of superman while never being able to leave Krypton.

The power to surround yourself in fire, but only when you're underwater.

the power to see through clear glass.

The power to become powerless

the power to teleport but then immediatly cr@p your pants

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!