The power to disguise as an old woman but only with a proper costume and 20 minutes of time in a bathroom to get the make-up done properly.

the power to attract flying frisbees to your own nose

The ability to be frequently run over by an invisible car.

The power to fold paper seven times

The power to lower your IQ (irreversible)

the power to smell the insisde of your own nose

The power to make spinach taste like brussel sprouts

the power to automatically turn into a litlle girl when you see pedobear.

the power to go on this website

The power to sneeze whenever you think about apples.

The power to change the color of your arm hair.

The power to set yourself on fire but be immune to flames

The power to summon tastebuds in your asshole, but cannot be undone within 24 hours.

The power to fly upwards at Mach 3 speeds, indoors

The power to throw crazed badgers 3% faster than the average human. However, you would have to find the badgers, and they would have to be angry. The power does not affect your aim, only your speed.

The power to turn into a slightly smaller, weaker version of yourself.

The power to stop people from walking through closed doors.

The power to turn into wood by rubbing salt on yourself

The power to have laser vision but it is 2 times worse on your eyes.

The power to smell WiFi Signals

The ability to cure someone of HIV, but you contract it yourself.

The power to write the top rated Pointless Superpower.

The power to lift animate objects in the same direction.

The Power to float on water, except when you're wet..

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!