the power to be able to foresee your death within a millisecond of it happening

the power to cook sandwiches when married

The power to be great at math but forget how to breathe.

The power to drink any amount of water but get dehydrated in the next 5 seconds. :/

Can transform into a no-armed man at the click of his fingers..

The power to fall apart whenever touched. See Derrick Rose, Chicago Bulls

The ability to switch out elevator music with NPR

The ability to go to the time and place where you are going to die.

(Only a girl power) the power to bleed every month for one day

To have the power of hindsight, which will allow you to see what you should have done previously or what other people should have done

The ability to unknowingly untaim domestic animals.

To turn into a guy that is tiny but can't do anything but speak.

The power to become Santa Clause, but only on the fourth of July.

The power to teleport yourself anywhere you want except for your major organs.

The ability to summon CHUCK NORRIS, but only while naked.

the power to gain the intelligents of forest gump, but not the table tennis playing ability

the power to fly but only 5 feet off the ground and at walking speed.

The power to naturally wake up at a certain time but only if you set an alarm.

The power to like any show

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the power to make an earthquake that an ant can not even feel

The power to transform into a bucket of water.

The power to clean a small portion of your house in a bigger amount of time then it would have taken to do by your self

The power to barf up a narwhal, but only on Wednesdays.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!