the power of milking a cow aslong it is a horse that you are milking. the power to ride a bull for 0.55 nanoseconds. the power to kill 1 bacteria every 20 min. the power to spread herpes without having symptoms. the power of sharing awkward details of your bowel movements to your family at dinner. the power to lift a small cup of water. the power of falling of your face whilst knowing it will happen 20sec before. the power of inhibiting passage on the curb. the power to cause massive traffic jams without owning a car. the power of listening but not understanding. the power of understanding all languages but the one that is being spoken to you at the time.

The power to make anyone even on live tv such as news or sports to explosively crap their pants.

The power to fall down stairs sooner than you should have.

the power to run at the speed of light, but you have no protection from the air friction so you'll burn up and die.

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The power to see through solid objects, but only when said solid object is transparent.

the power to give yourself sunburn

The power to make any girl hate you

The power to make bananas appear, at the sight of a cobweb..

To be able to cut paper by doing the scissor action with your fingers.

The power to achieve 98% opacity

The power to walk on frozen water.

the power to not finish your

the power to sing like an angel... but only if the song is "friday" or "baby"

The power to teleport to any 3rd world country

The power to see in the dark only when the lights are on

The power to use yo momma jokes in a masterful manner in all conversations.

The power to turn into a 90 year old woman with 20+ diseases

the ability to taste so good it makes you wanna slap yo mama

the power to see through clothes but only old peoples clothes -jesse

To be bulletproof unless you get shot by a gun

The power to teleport but only on the surface of the sun.

the power to give yourself cancer that you can't get rid of

the power to stop sitting on the internet wacthing cat videos

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!