the power to misspell

The ability to reduce the value of a penny.

the power to pre-tend your a animal ...

The ability to see through slightly dirty windows

The power to see 2 min. into the past.

The power to throw Go stones to the board so that thei form the word 'Go'

The power to burst into flames (Like the Human Torch), but immediately burn to death after doing so.

The power to gain an erection at will but only in front of your mother

The power to control Rollie pollies

The power to be invisible to the motion sensor cameras above automatic doors

The power to make my own sandwich

The power to waste time coming up with pointless super powers

The power to turn into a rolly polly, but only twice a year and for 5 minutes each time

The power to have a massive nob on your forehead and to attempt to have sex with anything with more then one lump on its chest :D

The ability to not slip on banana peels

The power to wait for the moment... TO THE NEXT WAITING MOMENT! And then the wait for the moment... FOR THE NEXT WAITING MOMENT

The power look at this post -yeah it's completely pointless

the power to freeze time by 10 secs but in the process freeze yourself too.

the power to listen to dead people that speak a different language than you.

The power to shrink smaller than oxygen molecules.

The power to make any woman sleep with you. but works only on dead ones.

The power of 3 seond super strength,

The power to be caught sniffing your sisters panties and get punished by having her crotch forced up and down yours while your mother licks your balls.

The power to see through walls when standing near a person whose first name is flopalopgas.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!