The power to never get drunk

the ability to turn things purple by touching it.

The power to fight Chuck Norris... and lose.

The power to be the strongest person on earth when no-one else is on earth.

The power to uncontrally boop

The power to do get 100% in a christian studies exam, but fail everything else.

the power the convince people if they agree

The power to control mealworms

The power to type any password only if some one tells you the password first.

the ability to be invincible but your weakness is air.

The ability to turn cement into pudding

The power to have two eyes that can't see very far or through anything.

The power to poop almost instantly, but you always have the runs.

The power to write the top rated Pointless Superpower.

whenever you want to sleep an anime starts happening in real life

The power of self mind control

Teh powwer too misspeel evrything!

The power to survive jumping form a plane as long as you have a parachute.

To be ALMOST able to run faster than a speeding bullet

The power to shoot projectiles from your eyes to the inside of your head.

The power to shit in your eye

The power to fly at 0.00000000000000001mm off of the ground at a speed of 1 mile per hour whenever you desperately need the toilet.

The power to summon tastebuds in your asshole, but cannot be undone within 24 hours.

The power to eat peas as a vegetarian

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!