The power to run slightly faster than Usain bolt

The ability to know everything about knowing nothing.

The power to fly but only in an airplane.

The power to get your blackberry to turn on slightly faster

The power to imagine a new colour

the power to erase pencil liines using your index finger

To be bulletproof unless you get shot by a gun

The power to unravel the toilet-paper towards you.

The power to come up with pointless superpowers on a website about pointless superpowers.

The ability to self destruct at will.

The power to turn back the clock at will. Not time, just clocks.

The power to remove all dirt from your skin when submerged in a tub of warm water.

The power to transport yourself back in time to when the universe began!

the power to absorb gamma radiation, but no resistance to radiation poisoning.

Shoppers today in the mattress department we just started a great promotion.

The power to chew with your tongue

The power to see air

The power to die and come back to life every 10 minutes.

Teleporting to Mexico

The power to detect homosexuality in animals. ~scramjat

----the power to hold your breath until your die-----

The power to procrastinate so much, you don't even eat, and eventually die.

The power to transform into Forever Alone guy and not be able to transform back.

the power to be physically attracted to the same sex

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!