to talk in a mexican accent whenever you want to say "Whats up Essay"

The power to turn brass into gold, but only when the brass is made of gold.

The ability to teleport 0.00000000000000007 seconds in the past

the power to jump like a black guy.

The power to give anybody the finger - except the person you're mad at.

the power to enter this website into your favorites page, so you can look up other pointless super powers in times of danger

The power of having enough money to buy anything, but in only pennies.

the power to make glass clear

The power to put your finger in your brain, but doing so kills you and achieves nothing.

The ability to fly but your hand have to touch the earth

The power to solve every problem in the world. By dying.

Vanilla scented blood

The power to text while driving and dies of cancer.

The ability to talk to bacteria

The power to not have a brain!

The power to see five times as clearly and up close, only when looking at insects and arachnids.

The power for electronics to slowly deteriorate and completely break in just 6 months

the power to think about pointless powers while watching pointless powers vid and writing a pointless power

th eability to have sex with anyone in the world but have to have sex with rosie o'donnell first

The power to produce fish eggs from your left eye

The power to jump over any fence no matter how high! Good luck surviving the fall.

The ability to shit from your mouth and burp through your ass

The power to fry and suffer harder than anyone when lit on fire.

The Power to make miracle, now days there are no safe place in earth. We may died anytime

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!