the power to read this sentence

the power to control nothing

The ability to sense any and all ham in a five mile radius.

The power to wiggle your toes unless they're tomatoes..

The power to ressurect anyone alive by killing them first. Works only 10 percent of the time...

The power to collect a interesting variety of ceramic animals.

To Read All The Pointless Superpowers And Imagine To Have them When Other people Are Thinking That Your A Crazy-Childish Person Role-Playing those Pointless Superpowers

The power to be the most beautiful thing ever unless someone watches you.

the power to breathe but only if there's oxygen present

The power to become a llama.

the power to animate condiments

The ability to find the sharpest object in an given drawer, by having it puncture your hand. Every time.

The power to turn into a skittles bag

The power to turn a light on with your mind, but only if the light is already on

The power to nanometer every million years

To be able to generate cancer at will

The power to get off the internet and do something productive

The power to eat the same food but you have to throw it up first.

The power to have a massive nob on your forehead and to attempt to have sex with anything with more then one lump on its chest :D

The power to waste time coming up with pointless super powers

The power to be your self

The power to fly.......but only in your underwear.

you can shoot cars but the always hit you

The power to become tired at will but never sleep.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!