the power to shoot superman

The ability to levitate, but only when you're defecating.

The ability to teleport.... 1 Centimeter from your current location, It also takes 5 hours to be able to teleport again.

the power to breathe but only if there's oxygen present

The power to eat anything in a minute.

The ability to see through slightly dirty windows

The power to become extremely intoxicated only during job interviews

The power to be fireproof under water

The power to turn into a slightly uncomfortable pair of pants.

The power to fight inanimate objects that pose no threat to you

The power to be reincarnated as yourself 5 minutes before you die again

The ability to telekinetically form crop circles in your own pubic hair.

The ability to have every possible thought as fast as the Flash is capable of moving and faster and know how every scenario can, will, and most likely will play out, yet you cannot say anything about them and they cannot be put to use. As well as no one can read your mind or anything similar to obtain said knowledge.

The power to be hungry without eating a Snickers bar.

the power to post pointless superpowers.

The power to have explosive diarrhea involuntarily but only on dinners with your date and his/her parents.

The power to paralyze yourself from the waist-up.

the power to know when someone queefed

the power to talk backwards

The power to accelerate your own aging when you're happy. Unfortunately it's irreversible.

the power to smell tastebuds

The power to like this text that explain a pointless superpower.

The power to turn Dollars into Pennies

the power to wake up 2 seconds before your alarm.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!