the power to ryme words with orange, purple, and silver but only after eating your own poo and while singing a beyonce song

The power to have explosive diarrhea after eating Chipotle

The power to remove all flavour from food.

The power to control weather on Mars

the power to be immortal, but only temporally

Super empathy! The power to feel the suffering of every living being...

The power to die

The power to discern the breed of a cat by the taste of its poop.

The power to sharpen mechanical pencils and pens.

The power to fly.......but only in your underwear.

The power to be hungry without eating a Snickers bar.

The power to paralyze yourself from the waist-up.

the ability to cough musli in hot girls faces

The ability to stop only ONE bullet and ONE bullet only

The power to always get caught by the scooby doo gang

To be able to turn into any molusk when in a lava pit

The power to make your left hand glow whenever you put your right hand up your ass.

The ability to talk to dust mites.

The power of 3 seond super strength,

The ability to be born, live for about 75 years and then die.

The power to use very big words but only when your at a retarted people convention

The ability to read. No wait that is actually helpful. Never mind.

The power to eat pop-tarts as soon as they pop out of the toaster

The power of having the answer to every possible question, but also to have no way of describing said answers!

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!