The ability to revert any computer to windows vista. Works best on Linux operating systems.

the power to see through my eye lids

The power to liquify yourself.

The power to know when a painting is crooked but it only works if the painting is noticeably crooked.

The ability to eat the red ones last

to eat a pie and get to fart an apple (cus why not)

The power to lose your voice when you yell a lot.

The power to know all the answers in the test when the test is over

The power to eat socks

The ability to see into the present.

The power to shriek so loud your own eardrums cause nuclear explosions

The ability to pass out at will.

The power to be dead

Power to give birth through your penis.

The power to be an ugly barnacle who is so ugly that everyone dies.

the ability to die at will, just by blinking

See through invisible people

The power to fly and superstrength as soon as you die.

The power to object to every point you try to... Moral: OBJECTION!

The power to run at 0.5mph

the power to kill yourself

The power to let 100 cockroaches crawl upon you for everytime you display emotion

The power to fly, but only when pigs do

The power to be able to fall asleep instantly

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!