The ability to have udders for nipples.

The power to see the past. Only the past. Never the present.

The power to reverse age all the way into your fathers balls. Nero: Know my name and fear it.

The power to turn yourself into Donald Trump.

The power to be invincible to every thing but fire water tornadoes bullets explosions guns knifes blades swords grenades sticks pointy objects disease infections sicknesses flu illness natural disasters accidents vehicles trucks electricity meteors bombs rockets drug addiction peer pressure starvation tiredness torture pain monkeys radiation.

The power to climb trees really fast but only downwards.

the power to speak bulagrian for 28 sec every 37 day

power to be an alcohoic

The ability to find a use for 8th grade Algebra.

the power to have the remote come to you.

thw power to not feel anything during sex unless you dont like the sex (ie rape, ugly fat pearson)

The power to remember anyone's birthday unless you are at their birthday party.

The Power to make people see a picture of you naked in their heads.

The power to reverse walk backwards.

To be able to commit a sexual offense but never get away with it

The ability to give the best hugs in the world to people who don't need be hugged

The power to always know which way North is but you forget where you are.

The power to emit contagious yawns.

The power to sleep with your eyes open, but when awake, to have ur eyes closed.

Having the power to trap bugs with your manly body hair (chest hair, nose hair, moustache, armpit hair, pubic.......)

to walk 5 miles at 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 miles per hour

the ability to run as fast as you want but never be able to slow down...

The ability to freeze-frame yourself. Forever.

The power to put up with your in-laws.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!