The power to buy free things.

The power to be able to teleport through a random fat man's colon.

The power of turning your nose upside down, but only when it's raining... or in the shower.

The power to lift objects that weigh less than a gram

the power to sleep through a prison rape

The power to have never-ending growing curly hair, but with no powers.

the power to hovertate

the power two peel m&ms -jesse

The Power to breath while under a cup of water

The power to unsee the unseen.

The Power to waste one's own time, watching a video, about someone else wasting their time, making a video, listing a small list of pointless super powers.

The ability to pirate every song you want without getting caught. However, they can only be Justin Bieber songs

The power for chris not to eat spaghetti

The ability to levitate birds

The power to vomit whenever you want to.

The power to fly but fall when floating above the ground.

The power to hear what is happening to objects (such as a bed).

The power to regenerate limbs, but twenty years after you've lost it.

The power to understand math.

Doing a handstand with your feet

the power tho vomit your poop.

The power to make instruments taste mayonnaise.

The power to secrete concentrated orange juice from your toes every time you secrete concentrated orange juice from your toes.

the power to make youtube videos buffer twice as fast on your iPhone.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!