The power to be a dog, with Herpes, that smells like farts.

The ability to have 20/20 vision... only when wearing glasses.

The power to be invisable when your dead

The power to control an army of termites to eat any wooden object, as long as the object is from IKEA

The power to read any language but you cant understand anything it means

The power to have YMCA or "In the navy" play explosively loudly from your nostrils and be immune to it yourself. Moral: WE KNOW YOU ARE H0MOSEXUAL ALREADY! TURN THAT SHIT OFF!

The power to hear train whistles from 50 miles away.

The power to clap 14 times a second

The power to understand any text written in interlingua.

The power to eat nails and crap broken glass.

the power to teleport but it takes longer than it would to walk to your destination.

The power to see through glass

The power of being immune to bee stings when no bees are near you

The power of reading your own mind.

The ability to seduce women when there's no women in the room

The power to block your own powers

The power to think of a pointless superpower

The ability to forcibly break every bone in your body so you can shrink down never to regrow your bones back.

TyPiNg In LoWeR aNd CaPs To AnNoY oThErS

The power to be the only person who can save mankind from creatures that don't exist.

the power to turn wine into water

The power to see through a hole

The power to attract flies everytime you're eating or on a date.

The ability to breathe underwater but only when above water

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!