The ability to walk backwards... backwards.

The Power to fly for 13.56 Seconds on a Sunday afternoon after looking at a penny and spinning for 46 and a half times.

The power drown in water

the power to permanently change your name to Graham

The ability to forget what your saying every 3 seco- what was I saying again?

Really bendy thumb

The power to have your veins be a 1% lighter shade of blue.

The power to be Rosie O'Donnell.

the power to read your own mind

The power to shoot rainbows out of your dick, the rainbows can pwn anyone if you smoked crack before using this power

you can summon raccoons, but all they do is piss on your shit

Immunity to antipsychotic medication

The ability to to wrote something useless and waste all Saturday that you need to use to study for a test.

The power to commit genocide, but only on things you love.

The power to see even though you can already see.

The power to think this exact sentence at the worst possible time.

The power to smell farts nearby

The power to smell a fart from a 500 mile radius.

the power to burp every time you drink 1 litre of soda/fizzy

The power to get hurt every other hour

The power to jump faster.

the power to laugh at burials and cry at weddings

The power to know what you would look like if you were ugly.

The power to go suicide

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!