Really bendy thumbs.

The power look completely butiful but Only in complete darkness

The power to become invisible, only when no one is looking at you.

The ability to teleport 1 step forward at will at a walking pace.

The power to see the future when you sleep but forget it as soon as you wake up

the power to win the crying game

the power to fax people with your mind

The power to kill yourself.

The super power to do something pointless when you can be doing something pointless

The power to have all the powers written in here

the power to suck but only when your awesome

The power to make a small hamster yawn.

The power to never sleep and instead go outside and think about your life.

The power to write any thing on your chest with clear paint

Power to freeze ice.

The power to change your emotions at will.

The power to have backround music in your life.

The ability to turn any escalator into a flight of stairs.

the power to transform into pedobear with diplomatic immunity...

The power to endure uncontrollable & highly noticeable erections at funerals

The power to have no powers

The power to talk to animals but only as they are attacking you

The power to revive people with terminal disease, and still they have it.

The power to make people extremely happy as soon as you die.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!