The Power To Poop on Command.

the power to feel the emotions of other people, that are severely depressed.

The power to be black, but only if you are at a KKK meeting

To be able to commit a sexual offense but never get away with it

Having a 5 second eidetic memory

The ability to change the color of your poop

The power to instantly faceplant when jumping

the power of breath 10 times per second of you will die

The power to autocorrect without using autocorrect.

the power to in power your self

The powr to spell eviting wrong.

The power to erase yourself from all existence and in the process rewrite history so that you never existed. Seriously, there is NO beneficial use for this AT ALL.

the ability to run as fast as you want but never be able to slow down...

Any telePATHETIC power you may get.

Move things with your mind but only if you are holding them and you can't let go

The ability to levitate birds

The power to have your toe nails and fingernails be bulletproof.

The Power To Be Sent Back To Your Exam's And Then Getting All The Answers Wrong Making Your Intermittent Future A Dream And Your Mansion A Tent.

The ability to

The power to write pointless superpowers

the ability to smell sounds

to zap people but only yourself

The power to make hot women have sex, but only with guys that you don't know.

The power to agree to the "Terms of Service" without actually reading them.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!