The power of being able to see 1 day into the past

The ability to have 99 problems without one of them being a female

The ability to turn traffic lights red in your lane and green for everyone else

the power to see through glass

Absolute Defeatability- the power to be defeated by any and all things physical and nonphysiological.

The power to think of the worst superpower.

The power to walk through a unlocked door.

The ability to turn into Jeff the Magic Cactus Baby, for a second, while you are sleeping.

The power to excel at something that nobody cares about.

the power to do two suicide bombings

The power to do reverse moonwalk

The power to believe you are being hilarious... get it? Eh? ;) ;) Ahahaha XD Yeah, thats funny eh? Yeah I know, how does he do that xD, I wish I knew hahaha HOHOHO! I should be a comedian!

The power to transform into a baby only when around pedophiles.

The ability to be raped.

the power to look like a boy and sing like a girl (bieber joke)

the power to be a snail when ever you think a bout snails but you CANT transform back

The power to see every rainbow in double rainbow.

The power to blink one second faster then usual.

the power not eat more than one pringel.

The power to read captchas 2% faster than usual.

The power to shit yourself whenever other people are looking at you

The ability to instantly turn 360 degrees.

Feeling people's depression.

the ability to make something that docent exists

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!