The ability to eat fruit cake without gagging.

the power to fax people with your mind

The power to lick your elbow.

power to have time to actually wright something funny in pointless superpowers

The power to transform your fingers into uncooked hotdogs.

The power to turn into a cat while a dog is watching you.

The ability to turn invisible when no one is looking at you, when they look at you you become visible again


The ability to regrow 1 strand of hair every 2 years.

The ability to not freak out when your mom calls you

the power to go slower than a snail :l

The power to make yourself fall into a ten year coma.

The power to take huge shits at will.

The power to see through anything except air.

The power to become invisible to anyone not looking at you or at your general direction.

The power to be oppressed by everything

The power to grow fingernails.

The power to grow one inch, but you need to shrink one inch to do so.

The power to take control of mentally disabled turtles.

The power to become black!

The power of women's rights.

The power to walk after about 6 months of age.

The power to change your eyebrows daily

The power to make you teeth yellower

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!