The power to both love and hate marmite.

The power to turn into a pebble

The ability to breathe naturally while thinking about breathing

ability to swim superhuman fast, but only if you're completely naked and dry

The power to love Justin Bieber

The power to only see things that are a shade of orange if the date adds up to a divisor of Pi x enough to make it a whole number, if you are wearing a hat and have recently expeled bodily fluid

The power to end a sentence the way that people wasn't expecting them to orangoutang.

the power to fly while under water

The Power to be trust by anyone as long as you are saying bullshits.

The power to put your pants on, two legs at a time.

the power to finally find your way out of a revolving door.

The power to fly whenever you get a stroke. (The power goes away as soon as the stroke ends, so make sure to get all your flying deeds done while you still have a stroke)

Everything you touch turns into piles of steaming shit.

The power to scare female plants.

Be as cool as Julien Roby who go outside without is coat during winter

The power to naturally wake up at a certain time but only if you set an alarm.

The power to change your urine to any color

The ability to walk slower than everyone else

The ability to breath under lava

the ability to duct tape an alarm clock to the side of your head

The power to achieve world peace but only at the expense of your own happiness and the lives of all your friends and family members and everyone will hate you for no reason after doing so.

The superpower to fly but when you reach 55 feet up you loose your power

The power to make a rock so heavy that you can't lift it

the power to wake up each mourning with a fast food joint mascot next to you saying "You were great last night"

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!