The pointless superpower to point any where and one of those bouncy castles appear.

To be flaming gay. Both kinds.

The power to become invisible, but it only works when you are using it for noble and moral purposes.

the power to fail at everything you

The ability to put your whole foot in your mouth.

The power to sing that lame "Tomorrow" song from Annie uncontrollaby on Dec. 21, 2012.

to make asians smart

The power to do EXACTLY nothing

The power life like a hermit.

The power to drink 10 gallons of water only when you desperately need to piss.

The ability to look at the sun and not go blind. Because your already blind in the first place.

The power to run at the speed of ligth but only when running complete circles

the power to stub your toe while gardening and only cry for twenty minutes.

The power to break your bones on command.

The power to sound like a 12 year old while playing call of duty

Ability to eat a burger without going to the mall first and talking to your grandma there for 45 minutes about how it hasn't rained for a quite awhile and we could sure use some!!!

The power to piss only when sleeping.

the power to breathe in space but have to be were there is gravity

The power to cry if you hear or see the word cry

The power to cum extremely hard inside you`re mother.

the ability to do see through any girl's clothes but you must be singing a Demi Lovato song at 76.786 Decibels EXACTLY!

The power to chew harder than your teeth can structurally withstand.

the power to orgasm more than once in one round of sex. the thing is, after the 4th time, it gets slightly uncomfortable.

The power to be missed when present.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!