The power to make Q-Tips rain from the sky every month

The ability to consume nutrient of the object what you swallow.

the ability to do absolutely nothing

The power of being invincible after getting blown to the sun and killed by it while your balls are being bit by a crock

The ability to turn into any inanimate object, but you can't turn back.

The power to press the "I have read and agree with the terms on service -" button without actually reading them.

the power to to be glow in the dark during the day.

the passive ability to teleport to the center of the world every tenth of a second

Power to listen to Hatsune Miku while reading these.


The power to have any super power you need, unless you need to use that super power

The power to make yourself forget your life

the abitity to talk to someone l the way across the world,but only deaf people

The power to mentally unlock any lock you can see, but only if the key is within 10 feet of where you are.

The ability to turn traffic lights red in your lane and green for everyone else

the power to only have to go to the bathroom once a year but smell like poop the whole year.

The power to be first on any form of media (youtube powers).

Can fall without taking any injury, but for only 1 foot.

The ability to perceive the presence of light.... with your ears. (warning, blindness may effect abilities potency.)

The power to lick your balls.

The power to have 50%-78% water in your body

The power to have as much fun typing these as me. Moral: Of course you possess no such "useless" superpower you sad loser!

the power of the home depot lisp... and as an added bonus the power of how the universe works lisp

The power to eat ass.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!