the power to read word that are the right way up upside down, but not read words that are upside down the right way up

The power to see...oh i'm so wasted i forgot what i was going to type!

The power to levitate a lamp 4 inches off the ground... Once...

you have the power to se anything and everything in the entire universe, but only if you are blind.

The power to look into cheese.

The power to ?-1.

The ability to come up with the idea for a new version of Windows.

The ability to cut oneself on objects that shouldn't, in any respect, be sharp.

The power to shriek so loud your own eardrums cause nuclear explosions

The ability to revert any computer to windows vista. Works best on Linux operating systems.

The power to accidentally stumble upon huge, life-changing GoT spoilers on the internet

The power to see even though you can already see.

The power to turn your tv on, but only if your in a different country to the to.

The power to go suicide

Power to turn on the PC with your finger and use the internet but only if the internet is available. Please see contact detail and call the number for the following service...

The power to do no hand stunts by using your hands

The ablity to slap a policeman and get away with it.

The power to change to justin biber

the ability to hav a gun but no bullets

The power to cause any car accident, but only when someone you love would be in it

The power to kill yourself.

Teh pewer too dissablee speeltjeck Mortal: KOMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!

The ability to feel pain 1,000 times more acutely than an average human.

The power to poop kittens with mittens

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!