the power to engage in prostitution, unless you are a prostitute.

The power to be as strong as a bear... but only when fighting another bear.

The ability to see through clothes......but only the clothes your wearing.

the power to make things out of thin air that dont work.

The power of having the highest rated comment

The power to feed cat toes to your boss but only during a job interview

The power to tell time every other second. sometimes.

the power to kill every thing you see but you have to be high and drunk and naked at the same time

the ability to like homeade fudge.(not fudge)

THe power to whistle from your butthole but any time you do this your penis shrinks

The power to turn coke into pepsi

The power to survive in space as long as you have a working space suit on.

The power to watch tv while sleeping

The power to scare female plants.

SHAPESHIFT - only into a guinee pig

The power to spontaneously combust into trillions of microscopic kittens, every time you stare a cat photo for more then 3 hours.

The ability to rape the willing.

The ability to fart like a zombie.

The ability to push doors marked "pull"

The power to open doors that are already open

The power to charge your iPhone if it is not an iPhone

The power ,once a week, to give someone you don't know, that is at least 500 miles away from you, minor flatulence.

The power to sleep but only when its past midnight

The power to transform your appearance so that you look unmistakably like yourself.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!