The power to absorb alcohol twice as fast

The ability to smooth a criminal

The power to fly, but only when you, re inside an aeroplane...

The power to read while your eyes are open but you can't read while your eyes are closed.

The power to fart at will.

The power to understand the purpose of life, and every other world mystery, exactly .5 of a second before you die.

the power to eat as many brownies as you like without getting sick, but to be allergic to chocolate.

The power to initiate hiccoughing at will.

Giving a shit about someone's bull shit

The ability to ruin ipods by simply listening to a song

The power to predict the past

The power to speak Braille.

The awsome power of inventing something that is alredy invented .__.

The power to get the most thumbs up`s on you`re comment.

The power to destroy the earth the next time you blink.

The power to harvest the cheese off your wiener.

the power to remove the white seeds from a watermelon over the course of two months.

Hetsy overpay otay peaksay igpay atinlay

The power to clean a small portion of your house in a bigger amount of time then it would have taken to do by your self

the ability to have 2/3 nipples.

The power of the detachable little toe!

The power to jizz in your pants when you eat a grape.

Sorry. The power to square root -1.

The power to thumb ME down! Moral: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you do-own...

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!