the power to make your nose longer by 5 centimeter on command

the ability to fly through the sky using the skin from your ballsack to glide to the ground

The power to have the strength of 50 old people

The power to transform into a homeless person.

The power of Bulletproof fingernails

the abilty to come back to life, but in a black hole.

The power to die

The power to sing at an uncontrollably high level, but not have the ability to dodge a water bottle

the power to convert oxygen and glucose to water and carbon dioxide every time you breathe.

the power to turn into the hardest material in the whole of space but while in that mode you cant move

The power to die at will, and you can only do it once.

The power to kill someone with a knife

The power of having any superpower Batman has at will.

The ability to make someone's heart stop, but only after they have died on their own of natural causes

The ability to unbleep swear words on your tv.

the power to Shoop Da whoop out of your bum hole

The power to turn coleslaw into cabbage.

the ability to fold towels only while they are dirty.

The power to change the color of your saliva.

The power to blame Indonesian children for your misfortunes.

the power to eat waffles

The power to have tastebuds inside your ass.

The ability to see every color in the world but only when your eyes are closed.

The ability to turn hamsters into pineapples.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!