the power to troll people that are dead

The power to summon Wolverine, but only so he can give you a colonoscopy.

the ability to see as well as stevie wonder

the ability to make a banana talk uncontrollably to itself but only when people around it are high.& the ability to make a banana momentarily stop talking.

the power to win any shit eating contest.

the power to have access to unlimited porn but your parents never leave the room

the power to like justin beiber

The power to think up a pointless superpower.

Third armpit.

the power to grill steak for a vegetarian

The power to make any girl attracted to you. Unless the girl is anywhere above a 7 on the hot scale

the ability to make something that docent exists

The ability to control water but only when it is raining

Turning into a brick wall. Forever.

The power to shoot pencils out of your mouth every 10 seconds

The power to fly, but only when you touch the ground.

The power to make everyday Christmas once a year

To be able to levitate one object in front of you for one second a day

constantly flowing sexy anime hair.

The ability to make everything on you invisible, exept yourself

The power of x-ray vision including mild radiation and only seeing bones

the power to be allergic to every thing

The ability to regrow 1 strand of hair every 2 years.

The ability to think the thought you thought of is the same thought as another persons thought while thinking of that thought.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!