The ability to walk five hundred miles but than you have to walk five hundred more.

The power to become a forensic paranoiac raving lunatic at will... HEY! YOU! Why are you gonna give my comment a thumbs down eh? AND WHY A THUMBS UP? Are you gonna hack my account and kill my family? OH YEAH! OH YEAH? I AM GONNA KILL THEM MYSELF JUST TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU! BAHAHAHAHA!

The power to excrete food colouring from your sweat glands.

The ability to kick your toe and get a headache

The power to continuously shoot extremely powerful lasers from your eyes unless they're closed or you wear special, unbelievably expensive glasses.

the power to make bubles without soap

Having the ability to drink bleach and not die. You only get really sick.

power to poop out 5x5 ice cube

The power to be stupid reading this.

The power to deconstruct molecules, but only when they're part of an object with a volume of 1 cubic millimeter.

The power to undress using your mind...but only when in the presense of a rapist

the power to shrink or grow at will, except your organs stay the same size

The power to take offence to anything said or done like it matters...

The power to make someone think about frogs

The power to bleed an unlimited amount of blood, but on in front of deadly animals.

The power to do flaming flying kicks by yelling CAPTAIN FEET!

The power to make a pint a gallon

The power to read thoughts but it reads everyones thoughts at the same time and you can't decipher whose thought is whose

The power to stop time whenever you get stabbed in the liver

The power to disintegrate yourself

the power to self destruct without hurting people.

the power to shrink down to the size of a quark but then you turn into a black hole and destroys the universe.

The power to heal yourself when your not hurt

The power to shit 1 penny per every year

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!