The power to write pointless superpowers

The power to slow down time while you are at school

The power to digest food wrappers, but only once youve opened them.

The power to come back to life but only after u die

The ability to catch any ilness you want.

The power to turn invisible, in pitch darkness

Having super strength, But only when you're asleep.

The power to fly, but only when you're in water

The power to burp whenever you want to, but only after you've drunk 15 Dr. Peppers

The ability to turn your semen into spiders.

The power to be invincible to every thing but fire water tornadoes bullets explosions guns knifes blades swords grenades sticks pointy objects disease infections sicknesses flu illness natural disasters accidents vehicles trucks electricity meteors bombs rockets drug addiction peer pressure starvation tiredness torture pain monkeys radiation

The power to think of a funny pointless superpower then find out someone has already posted it.

The power to levitate birds with your mind.

The power to SPEAK IN ALL CAPS.

the power to think up AWSOME funny pointless powers but never have the guts to put them on Pointless Superpowers

The power to die when you do Anything!!!

The power to walk on water. But only when it's less than an inch deep.

The power of being invincible after getting blown to the sun and killed by it while your balls are being bit by a crock

The power to get rid of feminism

The ability to fart like a zombie.

The superpower to know everything about the earth today after 2.5trillion years have passed

The ability to lose Russian rolette, once.

Laser vision but only if you are looking into a mirror

The power to have car insurance, but only when you don't have a car.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!