God tier Waste of Space

The ability to immediately gain stage four stomach cancer.

The power to get hungry when looking at exotic animals.

the power to dance in the dark

The power to turn red blood cells red

the ability to walk on your eyelids

The power to hold your breath forever, but only in a hot-tub.

the power to steal other peoples super powers but only if they dont have any

The power to see things clearly 10 Km away but not see anything closer than that

The power to become the worlds most famous necrophilia pornstar after dying.

the power to be phone

The power to have everyone in the universe believe you are dead. Including you.

the power to time travel 1sec to the past every 1 day

The ability to swim on dry land only when submerged in dry water.

The ability to charge my iPhone, by starring at it real hard while rubbing my nipples!!!

The power to increase gravity and every time you get use to it, it goes up more

The ability to clap your hands in Spanish

the power to laugh at something that isn't even funny

The power to type so damn many superpowers that your head is spinning, and wanting to keep doing it because you really like this thing, its so... fulfilling... Moral: What can I say, people fight so much over who is right, and go to war just to prove their points... I LOVE POINTLESSITTY! (Pointlessitty, is not a typo, its a shakespearean slip you ignoramoron) Fun fact: A shakesperean is by itself a grammatically incorrect word, but not a typo simply because I used it on purpose... wow thats crazy... agree? Then thumb me DOWN NOW!


The power to obtain achieve errection when your not arroused, but go flacid when you are arroused.

The power to go back in time and kill yourself in the past.

The power to use a computer whenever you want, but only at libraries

The power to look at Chuck Norris. I dare you to try.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!