The ability to jump 3% lower.

The ablity to crash your computer.

the power to make double rainbows in the sky, but after that, it turns in a double hurricane.

The power to stop time, but it works only for yourself.

The power of divide by zero... yourself

The power to convert oxygen to carbon dioxide.

The power of not coming up with a single pointless superpower.

The power to read

the power to smell like feet

The power to become invisible only when you're playing a trombone.

The power to write comments about orgasms in this site.

The power to become like chuck norris. Unfortunately before you get that power you to through the true CHUCK NORRIS!!

The power to move an object 0.01mm away from you.

The power to create tree sap.

The ability to get a degree in performing arts

The power to take your talent to anywhere you want

The ability to dress in a crappy costume on Halloween

The power to talk and listen at the same time

The ability to see with night vision, but only during daylight hours.

The ability to be in Rosy O'Donalds underwear drawer

The power that everytime someone sneezes, a living porpoise erupts from your anus.

The power to shrink by 23 centimetres every time you sneeze

Mutant Paper-skeleton.

The powerto become horny at will, but nothing can be done about it.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!