The power to taste the food you deficate

the power to shit brixs. oh wait i can everyone can already do that

Power to see through clothes... only to see more clothes

THe power to be able to walk through unlocked doors.

The power to turn Coke into Pepsi

The power to stop a sneeze before it happens.

The power to speak in morse code

The ability to think the world is flat

power to dream about the future while sleeping but forgeting everything about it when you wake up..

The power to be able to make your least favorite food or drink, but you cannot eat it and it only technically exists if you don't look at it.

The power that, eveything you touch turns into whatever it already was

The power to make your Mother dance while everybody is watching

The power to wake up 5 minutes earlier.

ability to find good woman drivers

The ability to hold your breath forever, but only in an oxygen-rich environment.

The power to turn wine into water

the power to cheat your right hand with your left hand

The Power To Become A Housefly And Be Immediately Killed By Your Mother

the power to transform into pedobear with diplomatic immunity...

the power to make your penis any size you want, only when your wearing sweatpants...

The power to sit anywhere

The power to shit on command.

The ability to decrease the size of your girlfriends breasts.

Turning wine into water.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!