The power to read this text unless you can see it.

The power to reed a platypus mind.

Knowing whether or not there is an afterlife

The power to read minds but only when you're alone

The ability to become shit forever.

The power of coming back from dying but dying 1 second later.

The power to shoot iron from your blood

the power of the succulent game

making a sentence of pointless superpowers on

the power to turn a leaf into a different type of leaf

the power to turn into a dead person

The power to run as fast as a cheetah! Moral: A dead cheetah...

teleport to the place where you stand

The power to be allergic to bullets! :)

the power to get somewere at the same time that you arrive.

the power to speak bulagrian for 28 sec every 37 day

the power to kill your self when you are not under any stress

the ability to fly 5 centimeters above ground

The power to move at the speed of ripeness. Moral: Ripeness is actually slightly slower than time, true fact.

the power of spontaneous combustion but only when you get an erection

The power of exploding when you think.

The power to wake up every morning and have to pee

The superpower to die in a 1 second.

The ability to turn wine into water...

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!